Saturday, February 25, 2012


So there I was, just chilling in the Undercity (shit hole) when along comes Cameron on his epic flying mount (flashy prick).  I had ignored him for too long so he decided to come find me in the game by using the in game search.  He started giving me shit, mumping his gums at me moaning that I hadn't spoken to him in ages and that was I going off him? If he had offended me? Can we play together? What's my name in real life? (I told him Sophie haha) And just really creepy stalkerish shit in general...

I've seen the dark side to this bloody game.  If you play as a chick, guys give you shit.  My character is basically an elven hooker. You can make your character do things by typing "/insertcommandhere" into the chat function.... par exampla if I said "/sit" my character would sit. Y'alls can imagine just how creepy shit gets, and it gets there fast.  My experiences with this has been as thus:

There I was, killing these mutant mermaid things that savage the hell out of you if given the chance when this dude trots on up to me on his horse.
"/wave" he did, so of course, being the lovely lady I am "/wave"d back.  Innocent? I thought so. Apprently to him this gesture meant I wanted to splay me legs and have inter racial babies with him. I was getting all sort of shit like "/wink /flirt /kiss /hug" and saying he wanted to talk dirty to me and have ERP. Now I know what you're thinking; what in the hell is ERP? Well I was too, that's why I asked. EROTIC ROLE PLAY! That will be shining fucking bright son.  Unfortunately "/fuck off" doesn't work. 
I can imagine him now, sitting on the other side of the screen in his dirty wife beater and undies and trucker hat waiting for things to get steamy.  Either that or he'll be in a college dorm with no friends and a life time supply of mountain dew, tissues at the ready.

This is too funny with Cammy though, the boy is clearly not right in the head.  I can never tell him though, I'm just gunna have to deal with it and become bloody "Sophie" when he comes pestering me again.  I should just tell him my boyfriend will kick his ass if he keeps it up.... but I'm kind so I wouldn't do that.

I'm going to go play again, I'm almost at level 40! This means I can get my decrepit pile of shit horse traded in for a fancy, speedier one. Hollaaaaaaa

Bye loverzzzz


  1. Thank you. This made me feel a lot better. Because no matter what, I will never be as pathetic as the people that play these video games.

  2. You know what you should do? You should play along, get his number and photos and then black mail the son of a bitch. Post crap on whatever social network site he uses and really expose the little bitch.

    Yeah. That'll teach him to flirt on something as pathetic as WOW.

  3. This is hilarious ERP! rule 34 no exceptions.
