Sunday, February 5, 2012

Haters Gawn Hate

So... I've been receiving some feedback about my blog from some random fuckers whom I've never even met. 

Some biatch has accused me of becoming obsessed. ME. Ha, yeah. Good luck with that whoever the hell you are.

Also, some dumbass jock type has said he was going to push me into stuff? Sounds to me like he's some sort of homosexual deviant bound to end up in leather chaps being whipped with an apple in his mouth in the years to come.  Push me into stuff? Really? What's next, are you going to hit me with your dildo?

So I've made progress with Cameron.  There I was, checking my in game mail when - like a creeper - his character came over and started introducing himself to me.  Something along the lines of "Greetings elf blah blah I'm queer blah blah..." Anyway I guess he thought I was some really hot chick that was playing WoW.

After making this initial contact I signed off because... y'know, I have a life. Went on a date with some girl from school, don't know why; she has a monstrous beak of a nose. Made out for a bit. I'm lucky to still have my vision.

Anyways I'm bored now,

Ciao muthasuckas